Big Sky Fellowship is supported by the tithes and offerings of God’s people who worship and fellowship here. Your donations are used to operate the church facilities and ministries and to support our long-term and short-term missions.


During Sunday services, simply place cash or checks in one the offering box located by each door in the Sanctuary, or use the box located in the Lobby. Be sure to include your name and address on the check or offering envelope so that donation credit may be provided for tax purposes. You can give to multiple funds using one check. Just note each fund and donation amount in the memo section of your check.



To give to Big Sky Fellowship on line, please click the button below and follow the instructions. Once you create a profile, you can login anytime.  You can also set your profile to give automatically on a set schedule.

To make your donations count, please consider using your ACH / Bank Account.  This transaction only cost 25 cents of your donation, no matter the amount.  A credit card or debit card transaction takes 3%, which adds up over time.


To mail your donation, send it to:

Big Sky Fellowship

7610 Roughsawn Drive,

Helena, MT, 59602

Be sure to include your name and address on the check so that donation credit may be provided for tax purposes. Please also indicate in the memo section of your check if you would like to split your donation over multiple funds.