About Pastor Michael:

Michael grew up in North Carolina where he was called to preach at the age of 16. He attended Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary for his Bachelor’s Degree as well as his Masters of Divinity. He and his wife have been married for 14 years and have four children together. Before becoming lead teaching pastor of Big Sky Fellowship, Michael served the Lord as a pastor and church planter in North Carolina.

Pastor Michael loves living in Montana. He enjoys hiking with his family in summer and skiing all winter. He also enjoys fishing and Braves baseball! Michael loves studying God’s word. He does not just teach each Sunday at Big Sky but also strives to have the Word shape every aspect of his life! Michael is honored to serve alongside his family at Big Sky Fellowship!

Pastor Michael is committed to teaching each Sunday at Big Sky through expositional preaching. This means that he will walk through the Bible verse by verse, book by book pointing the church to the gospel through each message.it stand out


If you would like to contact Pastor Michael you can email him at michael@bigskyfellowship.org